As another week passes under the current Covid-19 lockdown measures, more and more clinics are starting to ask the question, “what’s next for my business?”. For the vast majority, the past months have focused on retaining staff, protecting cash flow and preserving the business, and preparing for a successful reopen as restrictions are lifted.
As with any crises, those who prepare most effectively will thrive when things settle and identifying the key new trends in patient demand will be crucial in ensuring the success of any reopen strategy.
We all know what type of treatments our customers wanted pre-lockdown, but has this now changed? Leading experts in the aesthetic field examine the health of our industry, discuss business post-COVID-19, and share what treatments they anticipate will be in the highest demand when clinics reopen.
This is where non-surgical body contouring devices will thrive. My new Cutera truSculpt flex muscle stimulation technology will help jump-start a patient's fitness to pre-quarantine levels, and the truSculpt iD will assist with trimming away that little bit of 'lockdown surplus' around the abdomen and flanks. We expect our non-invasive body business to be very busy!

Dr. Nestor Demosthenous, Dr Nestor's Medical Cosmetic Centre, Edinburgh
"We are starting to appreciate what we had taken for granted - experiences missed and opportunities not taken. I believe many will focus on not wasting time and just 'going for it,' and when it's time to shake off the shackles of lockdown and shed the excess of quarantine, people will want to feel good about themselves. Many of us are guilty of indulging and eating or drinking more than usual, and with fitness centres closed, we're not exercising to the same extent. This is where non-surgical body contouring devices will thrive. My new Cutera truSculpt flex muscle stimulation technology will help jumpstart a patient's fitness to pre-quarantine levels, and the truSculpt iD will assist with trimming away that little bit of 'lockdown surplus' around the abdomen and flanks. We expect our non-invasive body business to be very busy!
I also believe the general population will be more mindful of both our physical and mental health post-COVID. Our physical appearance affects our mental health, and clinics should look to promote and advertise all treatments with this in mind. From neurotoxins and fillers to lasers and body sculpting devices, we are helping patients achieve or regain a sense of self, both mentally and physically. There is a niche opportunity here: Health & Wellness. Many clinics, including my own, have been transforming into Health & Wellness centres for some time. Now is a great time to develop this further."
The majority of the treatment inquiries I have received have been from patients asking for help to tackle the common issues of the sustained lockdown period: increased adipose tissue (fat cells) and muscle atrophy (deterioration of the muscle fibers).

Dr. Victoria Manning, River Aesthetics, Bournemouth
"Many of my patients are expressing concern about weight gain and falling out of shape during the COVID-19 shutdown. We understand maintaining a healthy level of physical activity is difficult when you spend your day in virtual meetings and webinars, writing emails, and making phone calls. It's all too easy to adopt the 'I can't be bothered, or I'll do it afterward.' The majority of the treatment inquiries I have received have been from patients asking for help to tackle the common issues of the sustained lockdown period: increased adipose tissue (fat cells) and muscle atrophy (deterioration of the muscle fibers).
Fortunately for our patients, we introduced the new truBody combination treatment protocol, which utilises Cutera's truSculpt iD and truSculpt flex body sculpting platforms. The demand for these two treatment options will be at an all-time high as patients want to look and feel their best. There has never been such a fantastic opportunity for body contouring in our industry, and we just need to take it."
I expect we will see an increase in requests for treatments that address brightening, skin quality, and textural concerns, such as the new Cutera Secret RF.
Renée Lapino, Founder of Renée Lapino Clinics, Belgravia
"Throughout the lockdown, I have been carrying out virtual consultations, and the most consistent complaint I'm hearing is a lifeless complexion - Skin is lax, dehydrated, and dull. Post COVID-19 lockdown, I expect we will see an increase in requests for treatments that address brightening, skin quality, and textural concerns, such as the new Cutera Secret RF. Patients will demand treatments that yield the greatest and most obvious results in the least amount of time."
Dr. Sach Mohan, Revere Clinics, Harley Street, London

"A majority of the messages I am receiving from patients stems from desperation to gain access to high-potency cosmeceuticals that aren't readily available due to the lockdown. The lack of consistency in skincare may cause deterioration in their skin health. Don't be surprised if your previous laser-naive patient returns, asking for a quick fix to restore skin luminosity collagen and clarity. Laser Genesis and its bigger brother PICO Genesis should enjoy their time off now, as they are going to be very busy once the lockdown is over!"
"My mainstay is cutaneous laser work, and indications treated by my Cutera excel V+ will always be present in the population".
Dr. Asif Hussein, Sk:n London Victoria

"It is interesting to speculate what the post-COVID aesthetic market will resemble. As I have experienced, a move towards more niche services protects a clinician from uncertainty in the cosmetic market. My mainstay is cutaneous laser work, and indications treated by my Cutera excel V+ will always be present in the population. There will be a consistent flow of patients in my practice as long as there are medical indications that can be treated safely and effectively. Incorporating state-of-the-art laser technology like excel V+ allows me to achieve greater clinical efficacy and optimal patient outcomes, both equally important and especially relevant in these uncertain times."
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